Oysterville Restoration Foundation

About the Oysterville Restoration Foundation

Mission & Role

Shortly after the village was placed on The National Register of Historic Places in 1976, the community formed the Oysterville Restoration Foundation. The foundation’s purpose is “to maintain, repair and aid in the preservation and restoration of buildings and sites of national historic interest located in the Oysterville National Historic District, and to do all matters of business incidental thereto.” Thus far, maintenance and repair using ORF funds have been directed to the Oysterville Church and to the several parcels of open space which come under the stewardship of the Foundation. Preservation and care of private property, including historic homes and other buildings in the National Historic District, is the responsibility of the individual property owners.

Financial support for the Foundation is through grants, individual cash donations, proceeds from the rentals of the church, and offerings during summer Vespers services.

In the past, donations have helped us make essential repairs to the church, replace the picket fence, maintain the church grounds and other open spaces managed by ORF, care for the landmark Monterey Cypress trees along Territory Road, maintain the informational signage throughout the Historic District, and much, much more. 

Stewardship of the Natural Environment

Although ORF’s primary concern is preservation of the church, we also extend our stewardship to the natural environment that has so much to do with the history and character of the village. ORF owns and maintains several parcels of open land, including “The Meadow” (pictured above), which is a wide, open green space on the bay side of Territory Road that is home to many indigenous species of plants and wildlife. Our care of these parcels includes periodic mowing, occasional thinning, management of noxious weeds in cooperation with County officials, and preservation of landmark trees.

In an effort to restore Oysterville’s streetscape, ORF led the effort to replace unsightly overhead power and telephone lines with underground wiring. Of continuing concern is the ongoing health of the village’s majestic Monterey Cypress trees. In conjunction with property owners and certified arborists, the ORF has worked to assure the health and longevity of the trees, said to be the most impressive stand of Monterey cypress outside of California.

ORF Membership & Involvement

ORF Board of Trustees

The ORF Board is made up five trustees. Trustees are elected by the ORF membership for three-year terms, which may be renewed. A trustee must own property within the National Historic District. Specific board roles are voted on by the trustees.

The current trustees are:

Catherine Freshley
Colin Staub
Charley Wachsmuth
Tom Kepner
Anna Spooner

If you are interested in serving on the ORF Board, please attend the Annual ORF Membership Meeting, which is held at 10:00 a.m. on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend at the Oysterville Church. Names will be voted on by the membership in attendance. Our Annual ORF Membership Meeting is open to the public.

The trustees are supported in their efforts by members of the community who serve on both ad hoc and standing committees. We are always in need of volunteers. Please contact any of the trustees if you are interested in participating in some capacity.


ORF Members are people who feel it is important to preserve our past as a way of creating meaningful continuity through time with our community and our environment. Oysterville is a vital community rooted in history and planning for the future. Anyone can become a Supporting Member of the Oysterville Restoration Foundation. People who own property within the National Historic District can become Voting Members.

Voting Membership dues are $30 per person. Note: there is a limit to 3 voting members per household.

Supporting Membership dues are $30 per household.

Your completed membership form and check made out to the Oysterville Restoration Foundation may be mailed to:
Oysterville Restoration Foundation
P.O. Box 71
Oysterville, WA 98641


Your involvement in issues of concern to this community is greatly appreciated. ORF is actively engaged with members of the Pacific County Planning Commission, and with the Department of Community Development, to preserve and strengthen existing protections for Oysterville. We are always grateful for your letters of support sent to the County Commissioners, expressing your appreciation for Oysterville and asking them to maintain existing protections for this unique area.

Please send letters to:

Board of County Commissioners
Care of: Marie Guernsey
P.O. Box 187
South Bend, WA 98586

Contact ORF

Oysterville Restoration Foundation

Email: info@oysterville.org

P.0. Box 71
Oysterville, Washington 98641

Please make out donation checks to the Oysterville Restoration Foundation.

You may also donate online via PayPal.

Church Reservations

Contact Cyndi Goeser for more information about our modest rental fee and policies.
Email: ChurchRental@Oysterville.org
Phone: (503) 856-6513.

Schoolhouse Information

The Oysterville Schoolhouse is managed by the Oysterville Community Club. For rental or other information about the schoolhouse please contact Shelby Mooney at (206) 841-1461 or oystervilleschoolhouserentals@gmail.com. The community club is not affiliated with ORF. 

Preservation Resources

Lower Columbia Preservation Society is an Astoria, Oregon,-based organization that encourages and promotes historic preservation in the northwest Oregon-southwest Washington region. The organization publishes a quarterly newsletter and sponsors numerous events throughout the year, including how-to workshops on historic preservation techniques, lectures, historic home tours, the annual Holiday historic home tour in December, and–its signature event–the annual historic garden tour in July.

Pacific County Department of Community Development approves and administers all planning and building activities in Pacific County.

Pacific County Planning Commission is appointed by the Board of County Commissioners to conduct hearings on various land use issues and to make recommendations to the County Commissioners. The Oysterville Restoration Foundation has worked with the Planning Commission to resolve issues concerning development within the Historic District and administration of the Design Review Guidelines.

The National Park Service, a division of the U.S. Department of the Interior, maintains the National Register of Historic Places.

National Register of Historic Places is the official U.S. list of cultural resources worthy of preservation. Visit the National Register website for travel, research and educational information, as well as information about listing a property or finding a property.

The National Trust for Historic Preservation is the nation’s foremost educational and advocacy group for historic preservation issues. The private, non-profit organization “….is dedicated to protecting the irreplaceable and fighting to save historic buildings and the neighborhoods and landscapes they anchor.” The Trust also publishes Preservation, a bi-monthly magazine, and numerous books, pamphlets, and other documents on historic preservation.

The Washington Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation is the state’s primary agency with knowledge and expertise in historic preservation. The agency advocates for the preservation of our irreplaceable cultural resources through education. DAHP also oversees historic preservation regulations and is the central repository for information and reports on this topic.

The Washington Trust for Historic Preservation is a non-profit group that promotes safeguarding the state’s “historic places through advocacy, education, collaboration, and stewardship.” The group produces a quarterly newsletter, lobbies for preservation-friendly legislation, and assists communities with historic preservation-related issues.